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  1. But the analyses will determine with absolute certitude " if the remains could not be hers , charlier said at a news conference
    但是如果残骸不是圣女贞德的,那么医学分析会对这一否定做出‘绝对可信’的判断。 ”
  2. She initially died of smoke inhalation , according to charlier , and when she was burned a second time , her internal organs were not fully consumed by the flames . nothing was said to remain after the third cremation except her ashes
  3. The tests , which will take six months , will not be able to say with certainty that the remains are joan of arc ' s , because there is no known dna sample from her to compare them with , said dr . philippe charlier of the raymond - poincare hospital in garches , west of paris
    由于圣女贞德家族传人的真实性还有待考证,因此利用其后代dna进行比较的检测也就无法实施。查理尔说: “检测工作需要6个月时间。我们无法确定这些残骸就是圣女贞德的,因为没有已知的dna


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