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  1. From cooking , cleaning to childminding , helpers are hired to assist in handling day - to - day household chores
  2. Mrs lam , my neighbour next door , said to me that the domestic helper work seemed to be a possible option . at that time , i was confident in household cleaning but a bit stumped by other duties like ironing , cooking and childminding
    隔壁的林太有天和我说,家务助理工作似乎值得考虑,我对清洁家居的工作较有信心,至于其他方面,如洗熨、煮饭买? 、照顾小孩等工作就觉得有些困难。
  3. Mrs lam , my neighbour next door , said to me that the domestic helper work seemed to be a possible option . at that time , i was confident in household cleaning but a bit stumped by other duties like ironing , cooking and childminding
    隔壁的林太有天和我说,家务助理工作似乎值得考虑,我对清洁家居的工作较有信心,至于其他方面,如洗熨、煮饭买? 、照顾小孩等工作就觉得有些困难。


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