
发音:   用"cosey"造句
= cosy, cozy.
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  1. " there s a nice man , " he remarked to carrie , as they returned to their cosey chamber . " a good friend of mine , too .
    “真是个好人, ”他们回到舒适的房间时,他对她说道, “而且和我很要好。 ”
  2. " i mustn t take the money , " said carrie , after they were settled in a cosey corner , and drouet had ordered the lunch
    他们在一个舒适的角落坐下来,杜洛埃点了午饭以后,嘉莉说道, “我在我姐姐家没法把那些东西穿出来。
  3. She quite forgot hurstwood s presence at times , and looked away to homely farmhouses and cosey cottages in villages with wondering eyes
  4. The whole place was cosey , in that it was lighted by gas and heated by furnace registers , possessing also a small grate , set with an asbestos back , a method of cheerful warming which was then first coming into use
  5. With his mind s eye he looked into her comfortable room in ogden place , where he had spent several such delightful evenings , and thought how charming it would be when drouet was disposed of entirely and she was waiting evenings in cosey little quarters for him


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