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  1. By analyzing the latest subspace - based face recognition methods , we proposed the improved version of them . including : 1 . we apply partial least square algorithm ( pls ) , classified partial least square algorithm ( cpls ) and canonical component analysis ( cca ) algorithm in face recognition
    1 .将用于线性回归的偏最小二乘算法( pls )和分类偏最小二乘算法( cpls )用于人脸识别,同时将规范主元分析算法( cca )用于人脸识别。
  2. The paper involves : the necessity to develop a monocable telemetry system , its important use in cpls , and the advance of data transmission technique in production logging instrument are introduced . the theoretical and financial significance to design a monocable telemetry system are adressed
    论文主要内容包括: 1简要介绍研制单芯电缆数据采集传输系统的必要性、单芯电缆数据采集传输系统在数控生产测井系统中的作用、生产测井仪器中井下仪器数据采集及传输技术发展状况,阐述了研制单芯电缆数据采集传输系统的理论和实际意义。
  3. Based on practical need , a monocable telemetry system , which serves as down - hole data acquisition & transmission in computerized production logging system ( cpls ) , has been developed . lt has been proved that this system is feasible and can be put into use . the system is advanced , it greatly improves domestic production logging instrument and will spread widely as replacement for imported products


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