
发音:   用"crossways"造句
cross wind 逆风。
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  1. Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway , to cut off those of his that did escape ; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress
    俄14 .你不当站在岔路口、剪除他们中间逃脱的他们遭难的日子、你不当将他们剩下的人交付仇敌。
  2. If the superstructure is crossways , make sure that the foot section is not lying on the track groups or the outrigger struts of the auxilliary support ( if required , props up the boom to a higher level )
    如果上车为十字交叉型的,则务必确保臂杆根部没有接触到履带组或辅助支承上的支腿压杆(如够必要,可把臂杆垫得更高些) 。


  1. transversely; "the marble slabs were cut across"
    同义词:across, crosswise, across, crosswise
  2. transversely; "the marble slabs were cut across"
    同义词:across, crosswise, across, crosswise


  1. crosswalk 什么意思
  2. crosswalk line 什么意思
  3. crosswalk sign 什么意思
  4. crossway 什么意思
  5. crossway strip 什么意思
  6. crossweaved sereen 什么意思
  7. crosswebbed ocular 什么意思
  8. crosswell 什么意思
  9. crosswhite 什么意思
  10. crosswicks 什么意思


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