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  1. This thesis introduces the defrayal and clearing system of the banks in china and exposes the defect and deficiency of it and put out several reformation ideas through the analysis of the international and oversea system and the contrast with the system in china
  2. This thesis includes three parts : ( 1 ) the present situation of the defrayal and clearing system in china this part is mainly about the systems of management , defrayal means and niter - bank clearing . describing these three systems , this part outlines the defrayal and clearing system in china
    本文包括三个部分,具体如下: ( 1 )中国银行支付清算体系的现状这部分主要叙述了中国银行支付清算的管理体制、支付工具体系和联行清算体系,本文拟通过这三个方面的描述,勾画出中国银行支付清算体系的概况。
  3. ( 3 ) the reformation strategy of the defrayal and clearing system analyse the present background of the reforms of the defrayal and clearing system in china , this part puts forward several tentative ideas for the reforms of the management system and the present defrayal and clearing means and for the improvement of the development and innovation of the future defrayal and clearing means and the modern clearing system
    ( 3 )中国银行支付清算体系的改革对策从当前中国银行支付清算改革的背景分析入手,对中国银行支付清算管理体制、支付清算现有工具的改革,以及未来支付清算工具的发展与创新、现代化支付系统的完善提出了一些改革设想。
  4. ( 2 ) the comparison of the defrayal and clearing system between china and the oversea four chapters are about the comparison including the introduction of international and oversea system and the comparison between chinese banks and oversea banks represented by american banks
    ( 2 )国外支付清算体系及与中国银行支付清算体系的比较对国外支付清算体系的介绍及与中国支付清算体系的比较共用了四节,主要介绍国际支付清算及国外银行支付清算体系,并将以美国为代表的支付清算体系与中国银行支付清算体系进行比较。


  1. the act of paying money
    同义词:payment, defrayment


  1. defraudation 什么意思
  2. defrauded investor 什么意思
  3. defrauder 什么意思
  4. defray 什么意思
  5. defray the expense 什么意思
  6. defraye 什么意思
  7. defrayment 什么意思
  8. defrayment out of the treasury 什么意思
  9. defree 什么意思
  10. defrees 什么意思


成龙,渣男本渣……            (双语版)

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