
发音:   用"dialytic"造句
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  1. From accountant angle dialytic , fund is the concept of a narrow sense , mean the fund that has specific aim and use
  2. Ultrafiltration is the movement of the liquid passing through the half film when the liquid is affected by the pressure grads , which can be described precisely as the molecule moves from the blood to the dialytic solution
  3. The special disease that medical treatment is sure to limit has 3 kinds only , namely : malignant tumor is put after changing cure , kidney transplant hind take medicine of the different that fight a platoon , kidney dialytic
  4. According to coming from spanish report , the person that medicaments of the abuse inside hemophiliac , vein becomes addiction and blood are dialytic patient , rate of positive of antibody of third hepatitis virus is respectively 64 % , 70 % reach 20 % , more average crowd is apparently tall
    据来自西班牙的报告,血友病患者、静脉内滥用药物成瘾者及血液透析患者,丙型肝炎病毒抗体阳性率分别为64 % 、 70 %及20 % ,较一般人群明显为高。
  5. The tall danger crowd of third hepatitis is the person that point to to blood often is exposed outside alvine path , the person that if medicaments is abused inside hemophiliac , vein , become addiction , blood is dialytic patient of surgery of patient , marrow and kidney transplant patient , heart and the patient that often inject via the skin


  1. dialysis-associated ascites 什么意思
  2. dialysis-membrane 什么意思
  3. dialystele 什么意思
  4. dialyszte 什么意思
  5. dialyte lens 什么意思
  6. dialytic amyloidosis 什么意思
  7. dialytic cell 什么意思
  8. dialytic coefficient 什么意思
  9. dialytic leukopenia 什么意思
  10. dialytic medication 什么意思


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