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  1. The ifop survey for the weekly newspaper dimanche ouest france showed that 34 percent of those questioned said they did not speak english
    这项由ifop为法国西部星期日周报所作的调查表明, 34 %的被调查者不说英语。
  2. " a third of patients get better immediately , a third suffer relapses and the rest have psychoses , " yousef mahmoudia , a psychologist at the hotel - dieu hospital , told the newspaper journal du dimanche .
    医院心理学者yousef mahmoudia对星期日报说: “三分之一的病人能够很快康复,三分之一的会复发,剩下的则患上失常式精神分裂症。 ”
  3. " a third of patients get better immediately , a third suffer relapses and the rest have psychoses , " yousef mahmoudia , a psychologist at the hotel - dieu hospital , next to notre dame cathedral , told the newspaper journal du dimanche
    3分之1的病患能马上恢复, 3分之1还会复发,其他的则变成精神病患,巴黎圣母院附近的神居医院心理医生玛穆迪亚向星期日报表示。
  4. " a third of patients get better immediately , a third suffer relapses and the rest have psychoses , " yousef mahmoudia , a psychologist at the hotel - dieu hospital , next to notre dame cathedral , told the newspaper journal du dimanche
    法国星期日报报道说,邻近巴黎圣母院的赫特尔戴依医院的心理医生yousef mahmoudia表示: “三分之一的病人立即康复了,还有三分之一的人旧病复发,剩下的患上了精神病。 ”


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  2. dimana 什么意思
  3. dimanach 什么意思
  4. dimancea 什么意思
  5. dimancescu 什么意思
  6. dimanche le 什么意思
  7. dimanche matin 什么意思
  8. dimanche prison 什么意思
  9. dimanches presse 什么意思
  10. dimanchin 什么意思


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