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  1. its basis idea and method are that you should think the maths not a preexistance logic system, but think it is a experiment science . the student should begin with problem, use the computer . he should set up a solution project and do it himself to explore the law of maths . that is, the students must learn in experiment, learn with problem to explore and find the law of maths . there, we put the emperiment as a part of the whole advanced mathematics . during the experiment, we acquired that the student must use one maths software at least . we introduced the maple sofeware
  2. based on emperiment of " 30mm " armor piercing projectile's discarding sabot close to gun, study discarding sabot motion and process, and analysis discarding sabot characterstic, the possibility of disturb on sabot f ^ rm main gun under the disturb field of double gun . 2 )


  1. emperiled 什么意思
  2. emperiling 什么意思
  3. emperilled 什么意思
  4. emperilling 什么意思
  5. emperils 什么意思
  6. emperiopolesis 什么意思
  7. emperious 什么意思
  8. emperish 什么意思
  9. emperished 什么意思
  10. emperishment 什么意思


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