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  1. Eriksen 20 points out that promoting self - care may , in itself , be cause for dissatisfaction since it places a burden of responsibility on patients , potentially conflicting with their idea of their role
    Erikson在1987年指出,提升自我照顾self - care其实就是不满意的原因,因为它将负责任的担子置于病人身上,这样就会与病人的角色概念相冲突20 。
  2. According to " the measuring scale for youth ' s identity crisis " made up and modified by mr . jiang nanfa based on eriksen ' s identity theory and " the survey table for deviation behavior " made up by the author , the study studies quantitatively 406 students from vocational schools , surveying their identity crisis condition and deviation behavior characteristics from the times viewing angle , whose findings after being filtered suggests there are remarkable school type differences and the student gender ' s differences in all kinds of deviation behavior of vocational school students , the deviation behavior of senior vocational school students being relatively less than that of junior vocatio nal school students and the deviation behavior of boy students being remarkably more than that of girl students , and that there are school type differences in a field of identity crisis , identity crisis degree existing in senior vocational school students being the lowest of all among 3 types of vocational school students and all fields of identity crisis being differently interrelated with deviation behavior


Eriksen is a surname, see


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  10. erikson personality theory 什么意思


研究:内向的人更可能成为成功的CEO  (双语)

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