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  1. " i think he ' s a gift , " said haven fyfe of her 1 - month - old parker , " but i did not think being pregnant and being a widow was a gift . i thought it was very cruel .
    哈文法伊夫的宝宝才一个月大,在她看来, "宝宝是上帝赐给我的礼物,然而成为寡妇独自生孩子却不是礼物,那是十分残酷的事情" 。
  2. Fyfe had told her husband karleton that she was pregnant just two days before he died on board american airlines flight 11 . she went through a long and painful natural childbirth , but said the pain was " a cathartic release for me about the anger that i have about my husband ' s death .
    哈文回忆说,去年9月9日,她欣喜地告诉丈夫自己怀孕的消息,然而他们只高兴了两天, 9月11日,丈夫登上了撞向世贸大楼的美航11次航班。


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  10. fyfy jian 什么意思


超甜!哈里王子冒雨演讲王妃在旁为其撑伞! (双语版)

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