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  1. The e - mail requests customers to use an embedded hyperlink for example , " http : 202 . 109 . 79 . 93 . z hgk hk . html " to connect to a fraudulent website and verify their account information by entering their internet banking account s user name and password . the fraudulent website looks very similar to hsbc s personal internet banking logon webpage
    这个电子邮件载有一个可连接至欺诈网站的超连结例如, http : 202 . 109 . 79 . 93 . z hgk hk . html ,并要求客户经此超连结输入网上理财户口的用户名称及密码,以核实其户口资料。


  1. hgih-speed gauge 什么意思
  2. hgih-speed shutter 什么意思
  3. hgiher specific speed pump 什么意思
  4. hgii 什么意思
  5. hgis 什么意思
  6. hgl 什么意思
  7. hgl hgraphic language 什么意思
  8. hgl hierarchical graph language 什么意思
  9. hgl high gain link 什么意思
  10. hgm 什么意思


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