
发音:   用"hominess"造句
n. homey的变形;homy的变形
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  1. she would care for him with creature comforts too for gerty was womanly wise and knew that a mere man liked that feeling of hominess
  2. contain the abundant hair slice the water for water for repair and maintenance essence and aloe, ocean camomile withdrawing the liquid, the composition of sour etc . nourishment, can on each hair formation first wet mask of layer nourishment, the preventing showing the hair run off, locking the tight protein, increasing the skin layer, and make the hominess the layer formation protect the mask, and keep the nutrient, and is smooth the hair health, and the brightness shine on the person


  1. homineity 什么意思
  2. hominem 什么意思
  3. hominems 什么意思
  4. homines 什么意思
  5. homines neanderthalenses 什么意思
  6. homing adaptor 什么意思
  7. homing all the way killer 什么意思
  8. homing behaviors 什么意思
  9. homing bombing system 什么意思
  10. homing feed 什么意思


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