
发音:   用"individ"造句
[网络] 个人;独立的个体;指日经常说的匹夫
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  1. the international olympic committee has racked its brain and tried every possible method, however, individ-ual frightful incidents still occur every year
  2. the individual svm is prone to fail in the intrusion detection for the fragility of being attacked . this paper addresses a method using a support vector machines ensemble approach based on negative correlation learning for intrusion detection . using a correlation penalty term in the error function, the aggregate members can be accurate and diverse . and the evolutionary strategy is considered as the best way to automatically determine the individ . ual svms hyperparameters . at last we combine the results of all individual svms using ensemble technique . this distributed parallel detection can strengthen the robustness of the system . simulation results show the effectiveness of the method presented in this paper


  1. indiv. 什么意思
  2. indiv., individ. 什么意思
  3. indivedusl endodermis 什么意思
  4. indivertive 什么意思
  5. indivestible 什么意思
  6. individ. 什么意思
  7. individable 什么意思
  8. individed 什么意思
  9. individed right 什么意思
  10. individiual hours 什么意思


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