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  1. Introgression may take place in such situations .
  2. The role of introgression in shaping the genetic variation pattern of the species should be seen in the same light .
  3. Preliminary study on the genetic improvement of rice japonica restorer line by introgression of international rice breeding germplasm
  4. Introgression ( introgressive hybridization ) the introduction of genetic material from one gene pool to another by hybridization and subsequent back - crossing to one or other of the parents
    渐渗现象(渐渗杂交) :是通过杂交或其后代与某个亲本回交,遗传物质从一个基因库被引入另一个基因库的现象。
  5. Abstract : the main characters and seed set of bc1 , bc2 , bc1f2 from ms line back - crossing with the pollen of hybrid rice were studied . the appearance of a large number of self fertile plants in ms line was analyzed . the effect of introgression of restoring genes on ms line purity and hybrid yield in indica and japonica rice was discussed . it was pointed out that “ iso - cytoplasm restorer line ” was seriously reducing the purity of ms line and that hybrid rice was unsuitable for isolation zone in the seed production fields
    文摘:研究了杂交稻花粉对母本不育系回交后代群体bc1 、 bc2 、 bc1f2的主要农艺性状和育性表现,分析了不育系中出现大量自交结实株的原因,讨论了恢复基因渗入对籼、粳不育系纯度和杂交稻产量的影响,指出“同质恢”对降低不育系纯度的严重性和杂交稻作制种田隔离区的不合理性。


Introgression, also known as introgressive hybridization, in genetics (particularly plant genetics) is the movement of a gene (gene flow) from one species into the gene pool of another by the repeated backcrossing of an interspecific hybrid with one of its parent species. Purposeful introgression is a long-term process; it may take many hybrid generations before the backcrossing occurs.


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  7. introgressive hybridization 什么意思
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