
发音:   用"kelson"造句
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  1. And that a kelson of the creation is love
  2. But miss keison was nice enough to see me
  3. I hear keison finaiiy dumped you . - not exactiy , no
    -我听说kelson还是一脚把你踢了. -不是啦,当然不是
  4. We bargained , him and i , and here we are : stores , brandy , block - house , the firewood you was thoughtful enough to cut , and , in a manner of speaking , the whole blessed boat , from cross - trees to kelson
  5. The reason of the legal norms in a legal order is the ‘ basic norm ’ which is presupposed in our juristic thinking , whose content is that one ought to obey the prescriptions of the historically first constitution . kelson insists that legal norms have four spheres of validity . they are personal sphere of validity , material sphere of validity , territorial sphere of validity and temporal sphere of validity


The kelson or keelson is the member which, particularly in a wooden vessel, lies parallel with its keel but above the transverse members such as timbers, frames or in a larger vessel, floors. It is fastened to the keel partly to impart additional longitudinal stiffness to it but principally to bind the longitudinal members (keel and hog) to the transverse members (frames and floors).


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