
发音:   用"livelock"造句
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  1. But majority of the productions lack for verification of correction or only check the local expressions during the modeling process , so causing the existence of the deadlock , livelock and other bugs in the model . it causes many problems directly during the dynamic execution of the workflow . so it is important that model and verify the workflow before running
  2. In this chapter , it puts forward a new system about checkpoint , avoiding the domino - effect and livelock . it realizes the storage of process context and other states with the form of executing file in the diskette by using checkpoint system and applying the page switching principles in linux . consequently , when the process has wrong at the checkpoint , it can move out the process in the fault machine , then choose other normal machine , continue to execute from the interrupted point , finally achieve the process migration and load balance of the system
  3. The processors overlapping along the boundaries of different fault regions is allowed . the proposed algorithm , which routes the messages by x - y routing algorithm in fault - free region , can tolerate convex fault - connected regions with only two virtual channels per physical channel , and is deadlock - and livelock - free . the proposed algorithm can be easily extended to adaptive routing


  1. livelihood space 什么意思
  2. livelihoods and poverty 什么意思
  3. livelily 什么意思
  4. liveliness 什么意思
  5. livella 什么意思
  6. livelong 什么意思
  7. livelong sedum 什么意思
  8. livelongsedum 什么意思
  9. lively 什么意思
  10. lively and enjoyable activity 什么意思


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