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  1. 10 sot : francisco maturana ( spanish ) tactically , brazil don ' t leave any room for their opponents . they defend very well , and then quickly they are on the offensive with their dangerous attacking players
    Francisco maturana说:从战术上来说,巴西不会给对手留下任何空间。他们的防守很好,攻防转换也很快,因为他们有着非常有威胁的进攻球员
  2. I think the thought of the radical constructivism is influenced by the philosophy ideas of vico , berkeley , hume , kant , piaget , as weli as the outcomes of v . giasersfeld , v . foerster , maturana ' s scientific research nurtured it
  3. 52 sot : francisco maturana ( spanish ) brazil are a team who will always create chances if their players of supreme fantasy and pace can be allowed to display their skills , players like kaka , ronaldinho , and the matador , ronaldo , whose form seems to be improving match by match
    Francisco maturana说:如果巴西队球员的状态好,他们总是能够创造出机会,卡卡,罗纳尔迪尼奥,罗纳尔多,这些球员的状态一场比一场好。


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