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  1. We will now commence a consideration of k genesis 1 , noti xk some of the importante points associated with god ' s creative acts that are recorded here
  2. The interesting gene fragment with ecori and noti were amplified by overlapping pcr , which inserted into vector plasmid ppic9k after degisted by ecori and noti , and the recombinant plasmid was transformed into competent dh5cc . positive clones were screened by pcr from the lb plate with amp . digesting analysis resulte shows that the interesting gene were inserted into the vector ppic9k with correct direction
    目的基因经双酶切后连接载体ppic9k ,然后导入大肠杆菌dh5中,在含氨卞青霉素( amp )的lb板上用pcr反应筛选出阳性菌落,双酶切结果表明目的基因已插入载体中,且方向正确,测序结果进一步证明人巨细胞病毒重组基因表达质粒成功地克隆了目的基因片段。
  3. Vp3 gene of hl isolate of goose parvovirus derived from recombinant piasmid pproex htb - vp3 was subcloned into ecorl site of psy538 , and the reporter gene lacz with promoter pll was cloned into smai site of recombinant piasmid . both vp3 gene and lacz gene were cloned into noti site of psy681 , recombinan fpv transfer vector containing vp3 gene of gpv was obtained . the result is basis of construction of recombinant fpv expressing vp3 gene of gpv and gpv genetic engineering vaccine
    本研究另从含有gpvh1分离株主要结构蛋白vp3基因的重组质粒pproexhtb - vp3中切取gpvh1株vp3基因片段,将其亚克隆于psy538的ecori位点,然后将带有痘苗病毒启动子p11的lacz报告基因平端克隆于上述重组子的smai位点,再用noti切下同时含有vp3基因和lacz报告基因的片段,再亚克隆于psy681的noti位点,构建出含有vp3基因的重组禽痘病毒转移载体,为构建表达vp3基因的重组禽痘病毒从而制备gpv基因工程疫苗奠定了基础。
  4. After digested with ecori and noti , the obtained dna fragment was linked with ppic9k by t4dna ligase and then the recombinant plasmid was transformed into competent dhscc . after positive transformants were sieved out by pcr , digesiting analysis and sequencing were also used to confirm the positive result more
    所得的dna片段经ecor和not双酶切后用t _ 4dna连接酶与ppic9k载体进行连接,然后导入大肠杆菌dh5 ,用pcr法筛选阳性转化子,并用双酶切和序列测定方法鉴定重组质粒。


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表达爱意的英文句子  The Sentences to Express Love

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