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【气象学】臭氧层(=ozone layer)。
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  1. Ban chlorofluorocarbons ! these compounds are destroying the ozonosphere and permitting more uvb to reach the earth ' s surface
  2. Acid rain , greenhouse effect , ozonosphere broken and environmental pollution , etc , do harm to man constantly , and so gas - sensors " research and development is very active
  3. Abstract : this paper deals with the earth environmental protection related to the destruction of the ozonosphere by freon from people ' s daily life , and human ' s active measures to meet this attack
  4. In the 21st century which is called “ environmental century ” , we are faced with various local or global environmental problems , as can be seen with “ ozonosphere being damaged ” , “ global warming ” , “ resource consuming ” etc
    在有着“环境的世纪”之称的21世纪,人类正面临着不断出现的“臭氧层受到破坏” 、 “全球变暖” 、 “资源消耗”的许多地域或全球性的环境问题。
  5. Research has shown that , even if destruction of the ozonosphere is stopped , it will still need about 100 years to renew it to a normal state . as a result , studies on the effects of ozonosphere thinning and the consequences of uv - b radiation on plant and ecosystem will not decline but on the contrary , is likely to increase in popularity
    据有关资料反映,即使现在已停止对臭氧层的破坏并恢复到正常状态,估计还得100年的时间,所以有关臭氧层减薄紫外- b辐射增强对植物及生态系统的影响的研究,在相当长一段时间内不会减弱,还有可能加强。


  1. a layer in the stratosphere (at approximately 20 miles) that contains a concentration of ozone sufficient to block most ultraviolet radiation from the sun
    同义词:ozone layer


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