
发音:   用"pickaback"造句
  • pickaback plane:    (载于母机背上在空中飞出的)子机,寄 ...
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  1. Pickaback treatment on dislocation of shoulder : a report of 42 cases
  2. For regarding believe - on - me they said it was nought else but notion and they could conceive no thought of it for , first , two - in - the - bush whither she ticed them was the very goodliest grot and in it were four pillows on which were four tickets with these words printed on them , pickaback and topsyturvy and shameface and cheek by jowl and , second , for that foul plague allpox and the monsters they cared not for them , for preservative had given them a stout shield of oxengut and , third , that they might take no hurt neither from offspring that was that wicked devil by virtue of this same shield which was named killchild
    首先,伊诱彼等前去之“双鸟在林” ,乃天下第一洞,内设置四枕,附四标签,印有“骑角” , “颠倒” “赦颜” “狎昵”字样。其次, “预防法”给彼等以牛肠制成之坚固盾牌,对恶疫“全身梅毒”及其他妖怪,亦无须惧怕。第三,凭借称作“杀婴”之盾牌,恶鬼“子孙”亦无从加害于彼等。


  1. on the back or shoulder or astraddle on the hip; "she carried her child piggyback"
    同义词:piggyback, pig-a-back, piggyback, pig-a-back
  2. on a railroad flatcar; "the trailer rode piggyback across the country"
    同义词:piggyback, pig-a-back, piggyback, pig-a-back
  3. on the back or shoulder or astraddle on the hip; "she carried her child piggyback"
    同义词:piggyback, pig-a-back, piggyback, pig-a-back
  4. on a railroad flatcar; "the trailer rode piggyback across the country"
    同义词:piggyback, pig-a-back, piggyback, pig-a-back


  1. pick-uweight 什么意思
  2. pick-uwire 什么意思
  3. pick; pickax 什么意思
  4. pick; pickaxe 什么意思
  5. picka 什么意思
  6. pickaback plane 什么意思
  7. pickabackpiggyback 什么意思
  8. pickable segment 什么意思
  9. pickadil 什么意思
  10. pickand roll 什么意思


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