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  1. Replenish hair with the required multivitamin essence to offer nourishment for hair inside out , leaving hair rapidly regaining its brightly black and pliancy , and prone to combing
  2. It s include specially hard , quick - drying and pliancy moist prescription , and it can effective maintenance shattered hair quality , strengthens the hair inherent toughness , the result is consolidated enduringly
  3. With more quickness of observation and less pliancy of temper than other girls , and with a judgment , too , unassailed by any attention to myself , i was very little disposed to approve them
  4. Jane , you please me , and you master me - you seem to submit , and i like the sense of pliancy you impart ; and while i am twining the soft , silken skein round my finger , it sends a thrill up my arm to my heart
  5. Hair oil the treatment darken mousse was adopt the foreign newest hair - dressing technological additive nowadays . it can make withered hair return the pliancy and gloss gentle , and it can effective prevents making the hair kick pleat , cause hair dyed , hair wash , perming damage , and have supplement hair nutrition , make hair dark , protect hair effect , and add the natural splendor doubly to hair


  1. adaptability of mind or character; "he was valued for his reliability and pliability"; "he increased the leanness and suppleness of the organization"
    同义词:pliability, pliantness, suppleness
  2. the property of being pliant and flexible
    同义词:pliantness, suppleness


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