
发音:   用"ponderously"造句
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  1. When philosophy ha maundered ponderously for a month , telling the individual what he must do , the individual says , in an instant , “ i like , ” and does something else , and philosophy goes glimmering
  2. Anyhow that was better than just mooning yourself into the grave . on one of her bad days she went out alone to walk in the wood , ponderously , heeding nothing , not even noticing where she was . the report of a gun not far off startled and angered her
  3. One of my favorite talks at the conference discussed a system ponderously named gleaning resource descriptions from dialects of languages , or grddl , which among other uses extracts structured metadata from microformats
    大会中我最喜欢的话题之一讨论了一个系统,该系统的名称很长,叫做gleaning resource descriptions from dialects of languages ,或grddl ,可以用它从微格式中提取结构化的元数据(用法之一) 。
  4. As he drew near , he slackened speed , took the middle of the street , leaned far over to star - board and rounded to ponderously and with laborious pomp and circumstance - for he was personating the big missouri , and considered himself to be drawing nine feet of water
    他越来越近,于是他减慢速度,走到街中心,身体倾向右舷,吃力做作地转了船头使船逆风停下他在扮演“大密苏里号” ,好像已吃水九英尺深。他既当船,又当船长还要当轮机铃。
  5. She refused to confide even in hilda , and hilda , offended by her steady silence , had become rather intimate with a dutch woman . connie hated these rather stifling intimacies between women , intimacy into which hilda always entered ponderously . sir malcolm decided to travel with connie , and duncan could come on with hilda


  1. in a heavy ponderous manner; "he moves ponderously"
  2. in an uninterestingly ponderous manner; "the play was staged with ponderously realistic sets"
  3. in a heavy ponderous manner; "he moves ponderously"
  4. in an uninterestingly ponderous manner; "the play was staged with ponderously realistic sets"


  1. ponderosity 什么意思
  2. ponderoso 什么意思
  3. ponderous 什么意思
  4. ponderous - lively 什么意思
  5. ponderous fluid 什么意思
  6. ponders end 什么意思
  7. pondeveaux 什么意思
  8. pondfish 什么意思
  9. pondi 什么意思
  10. pondicherry 什么意思


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