
发音:   用"poorness"造句
贫穷;缺乏;拙劣;不够;粗劣,卑劣;不毛,硗瘠。 poorness of supply 供给差。 poorness of character 人格卑劣。
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  1. Lift our country from the state of poorness .
  2. Love does n't mind poorness or richness .
  3. Because of broadly using of information technologies , the conflict between explosion of data and poorness of knowledge has been more and more acute , and the necessity of data mining becomes more and more urgent too
  4. Speeding up the process of urbanization is the necessary law of national world . township development in china decides on its special state , and it is the necessary route to get rid of poorness and strike up richness
  5. The problem that peasant is difficulty in increasing income , agriculture market is difficulty to start up and rural is poorness have confused us many years . along with chinese joining in wto , it is exigency to solve the problem in agriculture , rural and peasant ( a . r . p )
    农民增收难、农业比较效益低、农村市场难以启动和农村贫穷的问题已经困扰我国多年,随着中国加入wto , “三农”问题的解决显得尤为急迫。


  1. the quality of being poorly made or maintained; "she was unrecognizable because of the poorness of the photography"
  2. the quality of being meager; "an exiguity of cloth that would only allow of miniature capes"-George Eliot
    同义词:meagerness, meagreness, leanness, scantiness, scantness, exiguity
  3. less than adequate; "the relative poorness of New England farmland"
  4. the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions
    同义词:poverty, impoverishment


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