
发音:   用"purbeck"造句
1.(英国 Dorset 郡的)珀贝克半岛。
2.珀贝克石 (=Purbeck stone [marble])。
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  1. Yes - what the mendacious family chronicles call extinct in the male line - that is , gone down - gone under . then where do we lie ? at kingsbere - sub - greenhill : rows and rows of you in your vaults , with your effigies under purbeck - marble canopies
    “埋在青山下的金斯比尔:一排一排地埋在你们家族的地下墓室里,在用佩比克大理石做成的华盖下面,还刻有你们祖先的雕像。 ”
  2. Barren attribute as it was , disastrous as its discovery had been in many ways to her , perhaps mr clare , as a gentleman and a student of history , would respect her sufficiently to forget her childish conduct with the lords and ladies if he knew that those purbeck - marble and alabaster people in kingsbere church really represented her own lineal forefathers ; that she was no spurious d urberville , compounded of money and ambition like those at trantridge , but true d urberville to the bone


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  9. purbeck marble 什么意思
  10. purbeck stone 什么意思



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