
发音:   用"quick-fix"造句
  • quick:    adj. 1.快,迅速的,急速的 ( ...
  • fix:    vt. 1.使固定;安装。 2.集中 ...
  • a quick fix:    速成法
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  1. Many studies also conclude that the solution to long term weight management is to find a long term eating pattern that is both enjoyable and in balance with energy expenditure , and that quick - fix diets intended for short term weight loss may actually be counter - productive
  2. 3 . 5 whilst it is appreciated that installing a safety device alone is not a permanent solution to the problem with windows , it can provide a quick - fix to prevent openable aluminium windows from falling in case of failure , thus reducing the possible damage to life and property
    3 . 5单靠此等安全装置虽不能长远解决窗户堕下的问题,却是一个便捷有效的方法去防止铝窗一旦松脱便从高空堕下,从而减低对人命或财产所可能造成的损害。
  3. As it was clear from the outset that there are no easy or " quick - fix " solutions to overcome these obstacles , a structure was proposed to serve as a vehicle for developing improved response capabilities to the threat of financial crime by enhancing co - operation between representatives from law enforcement and the financial community on a regional and international level


  1. quick-firing fighter cannon 什么意思
  2. quick-firing loading 什么意思
  3. quick-firing machine gun 什么意思
  4. quick-firing tommygunner 什么意思
  5. quick-fit harness adapter 什么意思
  6. quick-flashing light 什么意思
  7. quick-flashing light with blinks 什么意思
  8. quick-freeze 什么意思
  9. quick-freezen duck 什么意思
  10. quick-freezen fresh fruits 什么意思


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