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  1. The research results include : 1 a new method of dealing with corn rootstalk is put forward and a new model of no - tillage planter equipped with cutting and digging corn rootstalk mechanism has been developed
    为满足生产需要,本文对免耕播种机玉米根茬处理问题进行了深入的理论分析与系统的试验研究,主要研究成果包括: ( 1 )提出了新的切挖处理播种带玉米根茬的思想。
  2. However , one of the most important limitations to conservation tillage is qualified no - tillage planter . the opener of the no - tiilage planter often ca n ' t break up corn rootstalks and penetrate into the soil so as reducing the performance of the planter
  3. ? he resistant impact of rootstalks is from 30 . 2j to 60 . 4j . the resistant impact of rootstalks from the areas one crop a year increases 37 % more than that from areas two crop a year ; ( 3 ) the direct shear strength of soil rootstalk composite can be scribed by coulomb equation
    玉米根茬的抗冲击能量为30 . 2j 60 . 4j ,在相同试验条件下,一年一熟玉米根茬的抗冲击能量比一年两熟玉米根茬的抗冲击能量增大14 23 ;根茬径向抗冲击的冲击能量比轴向大约23 。
  4. 2 % 22 % and 29 % respectively less than using other three knives at cutting speed of 500mm / min when the moisture contents of rootstalks was 48 . 2 % . the cutting forces were tested at four different parts of rootstalk that were the middle part along a radius , the tip part along a radius , the middle part along axis and the stalk part along a radius , and the force at the middle along a radius is the largest and increase 32 % 45 % 111 % , respectively more than at the other three parts . the force increase 37 % to cut the rootstalks from the areas one crop a year more than that from two crops a year
    试验结果表明,根茬含水率愈高,剪切力愈小,根茬含水率与剪切力近似为二次曲线关系;刀片剪切速度愈快,剪切力愈小;凸曲线、斜线、凹曲线和直线四种不同的刀刃曲线对整株根茬剪切力依此由小到大,凸曲线和斜线剪切时有一定程度的滑切作用,所以剪切力相比较小,当根茬含水率为48 . 2 ,剪切速度500mm min时,与其他三种曲线相比凸曲线型刀刃的剪切力依次分别减少了7 . 2 、 22和29 ;对根茬中部、梢部和根部的剪切力,在相同试验条件下,径向中部最大,比梢部,轴向根部和根部茎秆所需剪切力分别增加32 、 45和111 ;当含水率为48 . 2 ,刀片的剪切速度为500mm min时,一年一熟玉米根茬比一年两熟的玉米根茬剪切力增大37 。
  5. The coherence force c and the inner friction angle of composite increase 115 % - 205 % and 11 % ~ 15 % respectively more than that of no rootstalk soil . 3 the mechanism of dealing with corn rootstalks and eight kinds of blades for experiment in the soil bin have been developed in order to investigating the performance of dealing with rootstalks
    土壤-根茬复合体其抗剪强度与剪切面上的法向压应力成正比,复合体土壤凝聚力c比无根土壤增加115 205 ;内摩擦角增加11 15 。


  1. a horizontal plant stem with shoots above and roots below serving as a reproductive structure
    同义词:rhizome, rootstock


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