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  1. Although fanners " legal consciousness improves a lot after many years " law propaganda and education , there are still many unclear thoughts in it . meanwhile , due to the differences in work , social contact and self - accomplishment , the legal consciousness of agricultural labor , farmer workers , farmers in business and rural cadres obviously differs with each other and reflects respective vocational features . farmers " legal consciousness plays a key role in the rural rule - by - law course
  2. The crucial point is to stimulate the motive of studying from the original " want me to learn " to " i want to learn " . by doing this , reform should be taken on the encouraging system , good guidance of value should be provided , and , individual oriented training purpose should be established . the major task is to reform the format and content of continuous education through adding of courses on self - accomplishment , implementing of integrated theme of education and focusing on interacted teaching process
    在此基础上,为可持续发展的教师素质提升实施方案? ?继续教育提出对策建议:通过实行小班化教学、重新制定编制和工作量标准、学会自我减压,减轻教师的工作压力是前提;通过改革激励机制、坚持正确的舆论导向、树立人本化培训目标,激发学习动机变“要我学”为“我要学”是关键;通过增设修养性课程、体现综合化的特点、注重交往的教学过程,改革继续教育内容是主要任务;通过制定带薪进修政策、增加多种学习方式、注意随机通达教学,改变继续教育方式是手段。


  1. self-accelerating decomposition 什么意思
  2. self-accelerating phase of growth 什么意思
  3. self-acceleratingdecomposition 什么意思
  4. self-acceleration 什么意思
  5. self-access english learning package 什么意思
  6. self-accounting system 什么意思
  7. self-accounting unit 什么意思
  8. self-accrediting institution 什么意思
  9. self-accusation 什么意思
  10. self-actign plug 什么意思



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