
发音:   用"semipermeable"造句
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  1. Desalination is carried out by simply lowering into the ocean a long, hollow pipe capped at the lower end by a semipermeable membrane .
  2. When separated by a semipermeable membrane ( e . g . a cell membrane ) water moves by osmosis into the hypertonic solution from the hypotonic solution
  3. This ultrafilter adopts dissymmetrieal semipermeable film which is made from macromolecule material with special process the raw liquid fiows under pressure , inside or out side the film the mscromolecule substance and colloid particles in the raw liquid are clogged at the film suface and are brought away by circulating raw liquid then the raw liquid becomes inspissated , and further more , the subtance in liquid is seperated
  4. This ultrafilter adopts dissymmetrieal semipermeable film which is made from macromolecule material with special process . the raw liquid flows under pressure , inside out side the film suface and are brought away by circulating raw liquid . then the raw liquid becomes inspissated , and further more , the subtance in liquid is seperated
  5. This ultrafilter adopts dissymmetrical semipermeable film which is made from macromolecule material with special process , the raw liquid flows under pressure , inside or out side the film , the macromolecule substance and colloid particles in the raw liquid are clogged at the film suface and are brought away by circulating raw liquid . then the raw liquid becomes inspissated , and further more , the substance in liquid is separated


  1. (of a membrane) selectively permeable


  1. semipermanent 什么意思
  2. semipermanent floating oil boom 什么意思
  3. semipermanent packer 什么意思
  4. semipermanent storage structures 什么意思
  5. semipermeability 什么意思
  6. semipermeable barrier 什么意思
  7. semipermeable dressing 什么意思
  8. semipermeable membrane 什么意思
  9. semipermeable membranes 什么意思
  10. semipermeable partition 什么意思


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