
发音:   用"slantingly"造句
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  1. The strategies of from balanced to slantingly unbalanced development of regional economy
  2. Hanging a ribbon of “ commonenglish beside you ” slantingly up on the shoulders , he led his so - called students here and there crying “ common english ” , they went to library and talent market in the hope of meeting the good english speakers to prove his even better way of learning english
    他带领他的学徒手执扩音器四处高喊“平民英语” ,肩挎“平民英语在你身边”绶带在图书馆、人才市场等地方四处游荡,他的目的只有一个,要找到英语高手,要挑战高手,证明他的教学方法比别人的好。
  3. The structure of this machine is designed as asymmetrical 3 - roller structure form . this machine has the two functoins ; prdbending and circlerolling and is widely used in decoration , chemical industry , metal structure , raceway and oil pipe line , machine manufacture and other trades . the upper roller and lower roller are the driving ones and side roller is the driven one , the lower one lifts vertically and the side one moves slantingly . this machine is convenient in operation and maintenance . so it ~ sreally an ideal epuipment for bening and modilling the thin plates


  1. with a slant
    同义词:slopingly, slopingly
  2. with a slant
    同义词:slopingly, slopingly


  1. slanting readjustment 什么意思
  2. slanting roof 什么意思
  3. slanting set valve 什么意思
  4. slanting-leg manometer 什么意思
  5. slantingdicular 什么意思
  6. slantpocket 什么意思
  7. slantrange 什么意思
  8. slantsy 什么意思
  9. slantways 什么意思
  10. slantwise 什么意思


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