
发音:   用"stone-filled"造句
  • stone:    n. 1.石,石头,铺石,石料。 2 ...
  • filled:    adj. 满的,填满的;充气的;加载 ...
  • stone filled crib dam:    填石木框霸
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  1. Combined with the key scientific research project of henan provincial department of communications in 1998 : the research and application of the stone - fill grouted concrete in the bridge foundation engineering , construction technics and design theory of stone - fill grouted concrete construction in hollow pile was deeply studied in this paper
  2. With the retrospection of the developing course of the bored pile foundation and combining with my practical experience , the paper expatiates upon the design principle of percent of fit of the stone - fill grouted concrete and the main factors of the influence strength target , and the final pile technique introduction of the hollow pile of the stone - fill grouted concrete and the precast prestressed concrete ; baesd on the theory of slurry hydraulics , empirical calculation formulas of the radis and height of diffuse slurry are deduced in this paper ; it analyzes the test pile materials of the hollow pile foundation , such as luoyang yi river bridge and dangwang jian river bridge ; the new technique of the hollow pile , which provides the generalization and application with base materials , expounds its feasibilities , adaptabilities and economy
  3. Based on the analysis of the experiment on ground consolidation by high - energy dynamic compaction in the coal yard of kemen no . 10 & no . 11 berths in luoyuan bay of fuzhou port . , it is concluded that high - energy dynamic compaction applied for thick stone - filled foundation has such advantages as obvious consolidation effect , simple technology and low cost
    摘要通过福州港罗源湾港区可门作业区10 (上标# ) 、 11 (上标# )泊位煤堆场高能量强夯加固地基试验分析,证明高能量强夯法用于沿海厚填石(土)场地进行地基处理效果明显、工艺简单、费用较低。


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  8. stone-filled timber crib groin 什么意思
  9. stone-filled trench 什么意思
  10. stone-filled work 什么意思


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