
发音:   用"succus"造句
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  1. The machine is suited for jell , fructi - milk , fructi - succus , seasoning washer and so on filling and closing
  2. Pearl water , organic floral water of german chamomile and lavender , organic calendula succus , calendula c02 , organic german chamomile , organic elder flowers , organic witch hazel bark and leaf , organic roman chamomile , organic lavender vera , organic essential oil of helichrysum
    本花水适合各种皮肤的清洁及收细毛孔之用,尤其是乾燥及暗哑的皮肤更为有效。 ?要用花水浸透棉花清洁面颊,便可把尘埃抹掉。
  3. Organic gotu kola , echinacea , calendula succus , st . john s wort , plantain , calendula , roman chamomile , comfrey , celandine , linden flowers , peppermint , figwort , fuchsia , lavender , sorrel , tansy , yarrow , calendula co2 , natural bee propolis , amla berry for natural vitamin c , natural vitamins a and e , organic essential oils of orange , mandarin and benzoin
    芦荟蜂蜡薰衣草鹅肠草雏菊可可巴油紫椎花殁药罗马甘菊金盏花艾菊金印草天竺葵佛手柑天然维他命a及e ,柠檬油等。
  4. Organic herbs indian gooseberry , schizandra berry , green tea , comfrey , st . john s wort , fo - ti - tieng , ginseng , orange leaves , echinacea , gotu kola , calendula , linden flowers , elder flowers , calendula succus , cowslip , organic primrose oil , hand crafted bee propolis , coriander co2 , cq10 , organic oils rose hip seed hip , organic evening primrose , hazelnut ; amla berry for natural vitamin c , natural vitamins a and e , organic essential oils of orange and ylang - ylang , and essential oil of damask rose
    本精华素可有效加强成熟皮肤的新陈代谢,内含的有机香薰如橙叶绿茶金盏菊紫椎花,及维他命a c e ,可抗氧化抗衰老?斑去印去纹,令皮肤更生。而它蕴含的骨胶原,可加强弹性和光泽,有紧肤作用。


  1. any of several liquids of the body; "digestive juices"


  1. succulents 什么意思
  2. succumb 什么意思
  3. succumb to 什么意思
  4. succumb to curiosity 什么意思
  5. succurrere 什么意思
  6. succus bambosae 什么意思
  7. succus bambusae 什么意思
  8. succus cerasi 什么意思
  9. succus cineraria maritima 什么意思
  10. succus citri 什么意思


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