And , if not chelsea , then who would we like to see at the top table 此外,除了切尔西,还有那个新贵有资格站在那里?
Control onto the page and place it below the menu in the top table cell 控件拖动到页面上,并将其放置在顶部表格单元格中的菜单之下。
Its emergence as an equal to italy and even france will give it a seat at the top table 西班牙地位上升到可以和意大利平起平坐,甚至法国都得马上给它在贵宾席安排一个座位。
The customs and excise department issued a press statement about an unsafe glass - top table on 23 december 2004 海关于二零零四年十二月二十三日发出有关不安全玻璃的新闻稿上一页
A dark wooden bar , marble topped tables , assortments of art deco lamps and the same face behind the counter as there has been for the last twenty years 这些咖啡厅一般装潢比较考究,沙发座席,而且室内比较安静,但一般就餐价格会偏高。
top tableとは意味:上座 top table meaning: n. [ only singular ] at a formal dinner, such as a wedding reception, the table at the front of the room where the hosts or most important guests sit