
发音:   用"troglodyte"造句
-dytic, -dytical adj.?
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  1. This is the most outstanding , intact example of a troglodyte settlement in the mediterranean region , perfectly adapted to its terrain and ecosystem
  2. The biggest obstacle to this reform have been the republican troglodytes in the house who want to build a fence and send america ' s 12m illegal immigrants back whence they came
  3. The preparation of breakfast burnt offering : intestinal congestion and premeditative defecation holy of holies : the bath rite of john : the funeral rite of samuel : the advertisement of alexander keyes urim and thummin : the unsubstantial lunch rite of melchizedek : the visit to museum and national library holy place : the bookhunt along bedford row , merchants arch , wellington quay simchath torah : the music in the ormond hotel shira shirim : the altercation with a truculent troglodyte in bernard kiernan s premises holocaust : a blank period of time including a cardrive , a visit to a house of mourning , a leavetaking wilderness : the eroticism produced by feminine exhibitionism rite of onan : the prolonged delivery of mrs mina purefoy heave offering : the visit to the disorderly house of mrs bella cohen , 82 tyrone street , lower , and subsequent brawl and chance medley in beaver street armageddon : nocturnal perambulation to and from the cabman s shelter , butt bridge atonement
    准备早餐燔祭351 ,肠内装满以及预先想到的排便至圣所352 ,洗澡约翰的仪式353 ,葬礼撒姆耳的仪式354 ,亚历山大凯斯的广告火与真理355 ,不丰盛的午餐麦基洗德356 ,访问博物馆和国立图书馆神圣的地方357 ,沿着贝德福德路商贾拱廊358 ,韦林顿码头搜购书籍喜哉法典359 ,奥蒙德饭店里的音乐歌中之歌360 。在伯纳德卡南的酒吧里与横蛮无理的穴居人361吵嘴燔祭。包括一段空白时间:乘马车到办丧事的家362去以及一次诀别旷野363 。


  1. someone who lives in a cave
    同义词:caveman, cave man, cave dweller
  2. one who lives in solitude
    同义词:hermit, recluse, solitary, solitudinarian


  1. troglitz 什么意思
  2. troglobi tic 什么意思
  3. troglobic 什么意思
  4. troglobiotic 什么意思
  5. troglocolous 什么意思
  6. troglodytella 什么意思
  7. troglodytism 什么意思
  8. troglophilous 什么意思
  9. troglotrema 什么意思
  10. troglotrema acutum 什么意思


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