
发音:   用"well-operated"造句
  • well:    adv. ( better best ...
  • operate:    vi. 1.操作,工作;(机械等)动 ...
  • well operated:    操作良好的
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  1. This article applies the combined ways between theory inquiry and evidences investigation , especially the two can be confirmed by each other . the purpose is to have one comparatively overall , thorough and well - operated study of the construction of chongqing association for science and technology identity system
  2. Ooa ( object - oriented analysis ) aims to build a analysis model based on class diagram . . but among most oo methods , ooa lacks formal , unified and well - operated measures , only directly finding class diagram by means of analyzing problem domain through domain experience
    Ooa (面向对象分析)的目的是建立以类图为核心的分析模型,但这些oo方法的ooa阶段对于建立类图大都缺乏规范、统一、可操作性强的手段,只是凭借领域经验通过分析问题域直接得到类图。
  3. The global economic integration has been an trend in the recent years , the globalized competition makes it necessary for the quicker response to the needs of the market and the customers . smoother communication with the suppliers is more and more important . this can be achieved through internal err a well - operated erp system is fundamental to run the supplier chain effectively
    由于近几年全球经济一体化已成为必然趋势,企业经营面对的竞争也就是全球性的,更快速的反映市场及客户的需求,更流畅的与供应商沟通,都是企业必备的条件,但这样的理想便需要通过作好企业内部的企业资源规划( erp )来完成,也就是良好的erp系统作为供应链有效运作的基础。
  4. Once it has the attempts to carry out identity strategies effectively , promote its own identity levels , one scientific , standardized systematic , well - aimed and well - operated identity construction frame must be built , and scientific arrangement , analysis and study by aiming at the existing problems in real situation on the basis of present situation should be made , too
  5. With china unicom s cdma network being put into full operation and construction of the network being speeded up , users need for value - added services of cdma network became increasingly urgent . as a well - operated service on gsm network , short message service will also become an indispensable part of cdma network with enormous market potential and economic benefit


  1. well-off life 什么意思
  2. well-off middle peasant 什么意思
  3. well-off society 什么意思
  4. well-off tenant in public housing estate 什么意思
  5. well-oiled 什么意思
  6. well-order 什么意思
  7. well-ordered 什么意思
  8. well-ordered cluster 什么意思
  9. well-ordered set 什么意思
  10. well-ordered water layer 什么意思



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