
发音:   用"zero-dimension"造句
  • zero:    n. (pl. zeros, zer ...
  • dimension:    n. 1.尺寸。 2.【数学】次元, ...
  • zero dimension:    零维数; 零因次; 无量纲; 无因次
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  1. The strong insertion theorem and the monotonization of insertion theorem after the monotonically strong zero - dimension has been defined have been discussed in the third chapter
    第三章具体讨论了两个内容,一个是链上插入定理的变形- “强插入定理” 。
  2. The simulation results show that the model can reflect the distribution of heat flow density under the dissimilarity load , and then made up the shortage of zero - dimension model and three - dimension model
  3. Secondly , the paper analyzes abnormal performance in diesel engine according to engine structure model and function model . the system of diesel engine is divided into several subsystems , such as inlet tube , cylinder , exchange tube , turbo charger . all these subsystems are zero - dimension system
  4. After the above work , a universal zero - dimension fault simulation model of diesel engine is built . thirdly , according to the constructed simulation model , a faults simulation software is developed in the environment of visual c + + 6 . 0 , which can simulate some typical engine malfunctions , such as leakage , block , time - sequence error and have a friendly simulation interface


  1. zero-detection circuit 什么意思
  2. zero-deviation 什么意思
  3. zero-deviation situation 什么意思
  4. zero-difference detection 什么意思
  5. zero-differential overlamethod 什么意思
  6. zero-dimensional 什么意思
  7. zero-dimensional model 什么意思
  8. zero-dimensional space 什么意思
  9. zero-dispersion slope 什么意思
  10. zero-divisor 什么意思


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