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  1. All of the hydraulic structures are arranged in the right bank and four underground seepage tunnels are arranged parallel in horizon , and the axle wires intersect with syncline axis almost perpendicularity , and with rock formation obtusely . complex underground tunnels are formed under such formidable conditions , and each of seepage tunnels crosses nuclear of syncline and comes up against interlaminar sharing disturbed belt at different footage
  2. The approximation analysis result of band dipole model is obtained on the basis of the theory of mfl . the electromagnetic distribution feature of the defect in the steel panel is studied by means of simulation . the leakage magnetic distribution of the two defects and four defects plural and the defects in the column differently in the width are also assayed . conclusions that factors affecting flaw magnetic leakage to the panel also affect the column and magnetic leakage bx should be the feature of the flaw identification to several flaws are drawn


  1. "上平联 顶撑"英文
  2. "上平面"英文
  3. "上平台"英文
  4. "上平线"英文
  5. "上平巷"英文
  6. "上平行杆"英文
  7. "上坡"英文
  8. "上坡;上限"英文
  9. "上坡波痕"英文
  10. "上坡泊车"英文


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