
发音:   用"两级曝气"造句
two stage aeration
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  1. Desing parametesr of two - stage biongical aeratel filted treating sewage
  2. The effect of temperature on nitrification in a two - stage baf system used for the treatment of ammonia - rich river water was investigated
  3. Guanting reservoir water source quality in winter resembles normal sewage wastewater , so the experiment provides the first - hand material of using baf to treat low - temperature sewage wastewater in the cold area
  4. Putting the potassium permanganate into the filter can improve its effect , the removal of organics and ammonia is increased , the influent concentration can satisfy the water reuse standard . but the turbidity of influent is unsatisfactory . the c / n ratio is the key factor to influence the nitrogen - removal of the anoxic / aerobic two - stage baf when the reflux ratio 、 hydraulic loading and the ratio of gas to liquid in aerobic filter are fixed . the anoxic / aerobic two - stage baf has a good removal of organics at different c / n ratio when the reflux ratio is 2 , hydraulic loading is 2 . 55m ~ 3 / m ~ 2 ? h and the ratio of gas to liquid in aerobic filter is 3 : 1 . the influent concentration of organics is blow 7mg / l . from the beginning to 30cm of the anoxic filter , the removal of the organics is significant ; as the c / n ratio increasing , the influent concentration of ammonia is decreasing . when the c / n ratio is 3 . 60 , the enfluent concentration of ammonia is 3 . 05mg / l which satisfies the water reuse standard . when the c / n ration is less than 3 . 60 , because of the imperfection
    回流比为2 : 1 ,水力负荷为2 . 55m3 / m2 ? h ,好氧柱气水比为3 : 1时试验表明:不同的c / n ( 1 . 05 7 . 45 )下,两级曝气生物滤池对有机物有很好的去除作用,出水有机物浓度小于7mg / l ,其中在缺氧柱进水端30cm内对有机物的去除最为明显;随着c / n的增加,系统出水氨氮浓度降低,当c / n为3 . 60时,出水氨氮浓度降到3 . 05mg / l ,已经满足回用水的氨氮标准; c / n < 3 . 60时,因为缺氧柱的不完全反硝化,体系中硝酸盐氮和亚硝酸盐氮发生积累影响了好氧柱的硝化反应使氨氮降解效果较差;系统对总氮的去除随着c / n的增加而增加,当c / n为3 . 60时,出水总氮已经降到11 . 18mg / l ,满足回用水的要求。


  1. "两级喷射系统"英文
  2. "两级膨胀"英文
  3. "两级膨胀动力机"英文
  4. "两级膨胀复式蒸汽机"英文
  5. "两级破碎机"英文
  6. "两级曝气,两级通气,两段曝光"英文
  7. "两级曝气池"英文
  8. "两级曝气法"英文
  9. "两级气流输送干燥器"英文
  10. "两级汽缸"英文


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