
发音:   用"中国国家海洋局"造句
state oceanic ~,china
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  1. By providing soa with the means to respond to potential hazards , icmers would help soa achieve important public health and safety goals in the northeast region
  2. Beijing , china - ( september 27 , 2005 ) strengthening china s marine environmental protection capacity is the goal of a u . s . trade and development agency ( ustda ) grant awarded yesterday to china s state oceanic administration ( soa )
  3. The observed sea level change of victoria harbour in the past 50 years is similar to that of the south china sea measured by the state oceanic administration of china , and is consistent with the change of the south china sea in the past decade measured by the remote sensing satellites jointly operated by the usa and france .
  4. The observed sea level change of victoria harbour in the past 50 years is similar to that of the south china sea measured by the state oceanic administration of china , and is consistent with the change of the south china sea in the past decade measured by the remote sensing satellites jointly operated by the usa and france .


  1. "中国国家地理杂志"英文
  2. "中国国家发展和改革委员会"英文
  3. "中国国家灌溉与排水委员会"英文
  4. "中国国家广播电影电视总局"英文
  5. "中国国家广电总局"英文
  6. "中国国家航天局"英文
  7. "中国国家环保总局有机食品发展中心"英文
  8. "中国国家环境保护总局"英文
  9. "中国国家基础地理信息中心"英文
  10. "中国国家机关名称"英文


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