
发音:   用"中国药科大学学报"造句
j chin pharm univ
journal of china pharmaceutical university
  • 中国:    China; Sino-
  • :    medicine; drug; re ...
  • :    study; learn
  • 学报:    learned journal; a ...
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  1. Journal of china pharmaceutical university
  2. Dai yue , et al . effects of fructus ligustri lucidi decoction on the mice immune system . journal of pharmacy school of china 1987 ; 18 ( 4 ) : 301
    戴岳,等?女贞子煎剂对小鼠免疫系统的作用?中国药科大学学报1987 ; 18 ( 4 ) : 301 。
  3. Chen chong - hong , male , the member , board of chinese pharmacological society ; vice - director of the committee of education and popular science in chinese pharmacological society , was born on dec . 24 , 1945 , graduated from china pharmaceutical university in 1970 , graduated from anhui medical university in 1981 and got medical master degree , advavced study in university of southern clifornia as a visiting scholar in 1986 - 1988


  1. "中国遥学大辞典"英文
  2. "中国咬人甘蓝"英文
  3. "中国药材公司"英文
  4. "中国药房"英文
  5. "中国药科大学"英文
  6. "中国药理学报"英文
  7. "中国药理学会"英文
  8. "中国药理学通报"英文
  9. "中国药理学与毒理学杂志"英文
  10. "中国药品标准"英文


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