
发音:   用"中小企业协会"造句
national association of small & medium enterprises
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  1. He was made financial advisor to the investment and financing service center of the china association of small and medium enterprises , an institution established by the national development and reform commission in 2007
  2. Banks and sme associations appeared to be somewhat more optimistic during the march survey about the short - term prospects for an increase in bank credit than were the smes represented in the survey carried out in late 1999
  3. Sino - finnish sme seminar was held in qingdao in june 2nd , 2004 delegates from 8 smes of finland and 6 of china , together with participants from finpro , tt , qingdao economic trade committee qingdao association of smes and cicete attended the meeting
  4. Being a tech - oriented company , dstmedia has a strong and experienced r & d team with world ' s leading technology and innovations so that to satisfy different system requirements from our end users , distributors , and integrators all over the world
  5. Supported by the association of small and medium enterprises ( asme ) , various trade associations and chambers of commerce in singapore and ie singapore , sce 2005 is part of the ongoing initiatives of the tianjin and singapore government to increase the bilateral trade cooperation between the two cities , and the perfect platform for you to showcase your expertise
    中小企业协会( asme ) ,新加坡各类贸易协会,商会,和新加坡国际企业发展局的支持下, 2005sce是天津和新加坡政府间为了加强两个城市双边贸易合作的动作之一,同时也是您展示您企业的完美平台。


  1. "中小企业培训网"英文
  2. "中小企业融资"英文
  3. "中小企业融资中信息不对称的博弈分析"英文
  4. "中小企业如何做市场调研"英文
  5. "中小企业厅"英文
  6. "中小企业信息化技术规范"英文
  7. "中小企业银行"英文
  8. "中小企业用户"英文
  9. "中小软件企业"英文
  10. "中小山羊皮"英文


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