
发音:   用"主支气管"造句
main bronchus
principal bronchus
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  1. The tumor seen here has caused obstruction of the main bronchus to left lung so that the distal lung is collapsed
  2. We continue our discussion of airway management today . proper endotracheal tube insertion is important to aoid mainstem bronchial intubation . today ' s questions concern proper positioning of an ett within the trachea
  3. We continue our discussion of airway management today . proper endotracheal tube insertion is important to avoid mainstem bronchial intubation . today ' s questions concern proper positioning of an ett within the trachea
  4. Although less likely , other causes of bronchoconstriction should also be considered and include right mainstem obstruction , inadequate anesthesia , pneumothorax , mechanical obstruction , endobronchial intubation , pulmonary aspiration , pulmonary edema and pulmonary embolism ( 4 )
    虽然其他可能导致支气管收缩的可能性较小,但也应考虑,包括右主支气管阻塞、麻醉深度不足、气胸、肺水肿和肺栓塞[ 4 ] 。
  5. The modes of surgical treatment included : pneumonectomy in 14 cases , lobectomy in 13 , lobectomy combined with bronchoplasty in 3 , right pneumonectomy and partial trachial resection in 2 , right main bronchus sleeve resection in 1 , endotrachial granuloma resection in 1 , right pneumonectomy and partial trachial resection combined with trachial reconstruction in 1


  1. "主支承轴承"英文
  2. "主支持程序"英文
  3. "主支管"英文
  4. "主支架"英文
  5. "主支流汇流区"英文
  6. "主支气管, 初级支气管"英文
  7. "主支气管,初级支气管"英文
  8. "主支气管内异物"英文
  9. "主支气管损伤"英文
  10. "主支柱"英文


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