
发音:   用"二维设计"造句
tow-dimension design
  • :    two
  • :    tie up; hold toget ...
  • 设计:    devise; project; p ...
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  1. We discuss the data - acquisition mode based on two - dimensional cad by illustrating autocad
  2. Comparing with the traditional design in 2d , the 3d design methods by computer aided have more beyond challenge advantages
  3. Many manufacturing enterprises , especially the middle and small enterprise , still design and manufacture the oil - feed unit by 2d design
  4. Because 3d modeling must express accurately the shape of product , it is complicated compared to 2d drawing and requires designer to know computer more
  5. The results of simulations show that : 1 ) both of the ann and the ga can get the good results to the one - dimension ihcp , 2 ) the two methods also can get the good results to the two - dimensions design ihcp , 3 ) the two methods have poorer anti - noise performance to the two - dimensions multi - varies ihcp . 4 ) the ga has good anti - noise performance to the two - dimensions unique - varies ihcp , nor has the ann
    求解结果表明: 1 ) ann和ga对一维导热反问题均能得到满意的结果, 2 )对二维设计型导热反问题,两者也能得到高精度的解;对二维多宗量导热反问题,两者的抗噪声性能都比较差, 3 )对二维单宗量导热反问题, ga的抗噪声性能可以达到要求, ann则性能较差。


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