
发音:   用"亚当的肋骨"造句
adam's rib
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  1. In spite of their unitarian proclivities and their masks of conservative broadmindedness , they were two generations behind interpretative science : their mental processes were mediaeval , while their thinking on the ultimate data of existence and of the universe struck him as the same metaphysical method that was as young as the youngest race , as old as the cave - man , and older - the same that moved the first pleistocene ape - man to fear the dark ; that moved the first hasty hebrew savage to incarnate eve from adam s rib ; that moved descartes to build an idealistic system of the universe out of the projections of his own puny ego ; and that moved the famous british ecclesiastic to denounce evolution in satire so scathing as to win immediate applause and leave his name a notorious scrawl on the page of history


  1. "亚当布雷德利"英文
  2. "亚当出口公司"英文
  3. "亚当德鲁里"英文
  4. "亚当的"英文
  5. "亚当的堕落"英文
  6. "亚当的肋骨还是亚当"英文
  7. "亚当的苹果"英文
  8. "亚当毒气"英文
  9. "亚当顿恩"英文
  10. "亚当费代里奇"英文



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