
发音:   用"交换式连接"造句
switched connection
  • 交换:    exchange; swap; in ...
  • :    type; style
  • 连接:    connect; fit toget ...
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  1. At the same time , these companies are migrating to higher speeds across the lan , replacing 10m bit / sec shared media with dedicated 10m / 100m bit / sec switched connections
    同时,这些公司在局域网上向更高速度过渡:用专用的10兆/ 100兆位/秒交换式连接替代10兆位/秒的共享式传输介质。
  2. According to the mentioned theories and its specifications from national standards , mcp ( management and control processor ) software is designed in this paper , which based on former version running on available optical node devices , such as mstp and oadm / oxc . it can perform the basic functions defined in ason control panel . it adds the route , signaling and lmp basic function modules to complete building , deleting or refreshing the sc ’ s ( switched connect ) lsp ( label switch path )
    本设计在嵌入式实时多任务操作系统( rtos )基础上对现有的光网络节点设备( mstp和oadm / oxc设备)的网元管理控制器( mcp )的软件进行扩展,增加路由、信令和链路资源管理等功能模块,实现了ason控制平面的基本功能,及波长路由光网络中交换式连接的波长lsp的建立、删除和维护等操作。


  1. "交换式多兆位数据传送业务"英文
  2. "交换式多兆位数据服务"英文
  3. "交换式服务"英文
  4. "交换式过滤机"英文
  5. "交换式集线器"英文
  6. "交换式内部网"英文
  7. "交换式排序"英文
  8. "交换式数字视频"英文
  9. "交换式数字视频存取"英文
  10. "交换式数字视频广播"英文


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