
发音:   用"产品细分"造句
product segmentation
  • 产品:    product; produce; ...
  • :    thin; slender
  • :    component
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  1. Applying the stocking - methodology and management - theory of supply chain management and making use of the supplier cooperation relationship management , the capital flow management , the information management based on advanced technology such as edi , storage management , achievement evaluation and so on , the enterprise realize the jit purchasing on the situation of absenting enough detailed classification of product , finally fulfill the requirement of acutely variable order form , maximize the degree of customers " satisfaction , improve the adherence and contentment of customers , at the same time minimize the cost of the whole organization and establish a new multi - profit purchasing pattern
  2. Focusing on subdivision market , concentrating on the main target , enforcing on technological innovation , promoting the product competence , setting new human resource system , taking management explore are the main strategical positions . in part three , we assess the industrial background and company ' s resources of cdsc , find out the opportunities and challenges . the carving out strategy of cdsc i s basing on the primary discussions : technology , subdivision , innovation , marketing


  1. "产品系列"英文
  2. "产品系列化"英文
  3. "产品系列获利能力"英文
  4. "产品系列设计"英文
  5. "产品系统"英文
  6. "产品现场加工"英文
  7. "产品现货清单"英文
  8. "产品现实团队"英文
  9. "产品线"英文
  10. "产品线;产品种类"英文


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