
发音:   用"产碱假单胞菌"造句
pseudomonas alcaligenes
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  • :    alkali soda
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  • :    afterbirth fellow ...
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  1. According to the result it is sure that pa7 also has promoter activity in pseudomonas pseudoaligenes . pa7 - 2 was also proved having promoter activity in the same way
    将次克隆的得到的重组子ppa7 ? 2也以同样的方法验证了其在类产碱假单胞菌中的启动子功能。
  2. Southern blotting indicated that the pa7 fragment was present in p . pseudoalcaligenes genome probably as one copy . dot blotting indicated that the pa4 , pa7 , pas , pa9 were highly homologous
  3. The trials of inhibiting bacteria indicated cml did n ' t inhibit the growth of bacillus subtilis , escherichia coli . bacillus licheniformos , pseudomonas psudoalcaligenes and staphylococcus aureus
    抑菌实验表明cml对枯草杆菌、大肠杆菌n 、地衣芽抱杆菌、类产碱假单胞菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的生长都无抑制作用。
  4. Promoter - probe vector psupv4 was used to clone promoters of pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes in escherichia coli . nine kanamycin resistant recombinants were obtained and designated as ppal - ppa9 . the ppa7 , which has the highest kanamycin resistance , was chose for further characterization
    利用启动子探针型载体psupv4直接在大肠杆菌中克隆类产碱假单胞菌( pseudomonaspseudoalcaligenes )基因启动子片段,获得具有强启动子的重组子ppa7 。


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  7. "产碱菌多醣"英文
  8. "产碱菌属"英文
  9. "产碱菌属(产碱杆菌属)"英文
  10. "产碱菌属多糖"英文



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