
发音:   用"人口再生产类型"造句
population reproduction type
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  1. Have explained the main content and basic intension of population modernization emphatically , put forward the modernized main content of population and include the modernization of the type modernization of population reproduction , quality of the population and population structure modernization
  2. Nrr is 2 . 36 ( higher than 1 ) , and it shows that population reproduction is the expanding reproduction . if the population now develops toward the steady reproduction , population will grow at the rate of 28 . 889 % , and then it make the big population number
    Nrr为2 . 36大于1 ,表明此时人口再生产类型是扩大再生产类型,如果人口保持此阶段人口再生产状况长期发展下去,人口将按一个固定增长率k = 28 . 889发展下去,产生巨大的人口基数。
  3. So , population reproduction is not steady , and the get to the permanent steady quiescence need a long time . from the age structure , it also shows that during these twenties years , hetian belong to the intergraded reproduction of high birthrate , low death rate and high growth rate
  4. When economically still underdeveloped , china has accomplished a historic transition in population reproduction pattern from one featuring high birth rate , low death rate and high growth rate to one featuring low birth rate , low death rate and low growth rate in a relatively short period of time , a change that took decades or even up to a hundred years for developed countries to realize in the past


  1. "人口预测;人口推计"英文
  2. "人口预测专责小组"英文
  3. "人口原理"英文
  4. "人口运输船"英文
  5. "人口再生产"英文
  6. "人口增长"英文
  7. "人口增长,种群增长"英文
  8. "人口增长的高峰期"英文
  9. "人口增长的算术曲线"英文
  10. "人口增长和人口结构问题专家组会议"英文



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