
发音:   用"人工肝支持装置"造句
artificial hepaticsupport system
  • 人工:    artificial manual ...
  • :    liver
  • 支持:    sustain; hold out; ...
  • 装置:    installation; devi ...
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  1. The main results and conclusions of this study are as follows : 1 . the cn2006 bioartificial liver supporting device realized computer - based closed - loop control
    主要研究结果及结论如下: 1 . cn2006型生物人工肝支持装置的主要操作,均在计算机平台上实现闭环控制。
  2. 3 . the cn2006 bioartificial liver supporting device was developed by using the preci - sion nc machine tools , with optimalized manufacturing process , electrical wiring , and
    3 .采用精密数控机床进行机械加工,然后优化工艺、电气布线、调试,研制出cn2006型生物人工肝支持装置,并获国家专利。
  3. Hence , in the present study , we aimed at the disadvantages of currently available bioartificial liver supporting devices , the international trend in the development of such devices , and the clinical demands , and developed the bioartificial liver supporting device suitable for chinese patients
  4. The user can adjust the system according to the touchscreen display . 2 . mechatronics - based control was realized by combining programmable logic controler ( plc ) and human - machine interface technology , which can control the cn2006 bioartificial liver supporting device and has advantages such as being reliable , stable , safe , and easy to develop and expand
    2 .应用可编程控制器( plc )与人机界面的技术组合,实现机电一体化控制,能满足cn2006型生物人工肝支持装置控制系统要求,具有成熟可靠、稳定性好、安全性高、开发容易、扩展性好等诸多优点。


  1. "人工肝"英文
  2. "人工肝辅助系统"英文
  3. "人工肝灌注"英文
  4. "人工肝脏"英文
  5. "人工肝支持治疗"英文
  6. "人工感觉器"英文
  7. "人工感力"英文
  8. "人工感力系统"英文
  9. "人工感力系统进气口"英文
  10. "人工感染"英文


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