
发音:   用"人工调整"造句
hand adjustment
manual adjustment
manual regulation
manual setting
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  1. Transmission is preformed through poly - v belts with an automatic belt tensioner and needs no maintenance , 15 - 20 , 000 hours of transmission life
    V型皮带传动,皮带正常使用寿命达15000 - 20000小时带有自动皮带张紧器,无需人工调整
  2. Even though reverse engineering may require some manual adjustment , depending on the existing applications , it still lets you reduce the time needed to analyze and understand your applications
  3. A new kind of intelligent control with single - chip pro cessor in swilling toilet seat is designed to improve the capabilities of the pr oduct and make the control to water level , water temperature and washing time int elligently
  4. In order to keep the desired line speed and carry out the normal logging without troubles , the rotational speed should be rectified manually which is a heavy work , and also the output consistency is not satisfactory
  5. Abstract : a new kind of intelligent control with single - chip pro cessor in swilling toilet seat is designed to improve the capabilities of the pr oduct and make the control to water level , water temperature and washing time int elligently


  1. "人工调节"英文
  2. "人工调节,手动调节"英文
  3. "人工调节的空气"英文
  4. "人工调节轴"英文
  5. "人工调色控制器"英文
  6. "人工蝶"英文
  7. "人工叠标"英文
  8. "人工顶板"英文
  9. "人工定位器"英文
  10. "人工定相"英文


成龙,渣男本渣……            (双语版)
为啥中国人的英语口语很难提高?问题在哪? (双语)

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